BookExpress Order Request

Order Request

Book Express provides a personal level of service to our customers. Please provide the titles of the books you require in the table below, and if you are a UNISA student and have the module codes please list them below. We will then send you an email with availability and pricing of the books you require.

Personal information

Pro forma invoice information

Are you a student receiving NSFAS funding and want to pay with NSFAS voucher?:

Book Express is a NSFAS/Celbux merchant, and we will be able to assist you in making your purchase using your NSFAS voucher. We will send you and email in this regard.

Book titles

Name/title of the book you require UNISA module code
(if available)*
*Module codes only apply if you are UNISA student Click to add more books

Thank you for your enquiry. We will send you an email shortly with the availability and pricing of the book/s you require.